Therapy is an important step in discovering the world around you and finding your place in it.



Depression & Anxiety

Worrying and feeling down happen to most people, but sometimes these feelings take over and get in the way of enjoying what life has to offer.

Life Transitions

Change is part of the human experience, and it can be exciting. It can also be overwhelming and take folks in directions they didn’t anticipate.

Divorce, Trauma & Separation

No individual or family is without struggle. Sometimes those struggles pop up during childhood, and some don’t arise until later on, and some are life-altering.


All people are unique. Finding your identity and place of belonging is part of the journey.
young female women in black turtleneck with arms crossed standing in front of a graffiti wall

Hi there!

I'm Ashley

I'm a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst specializing in with adolescents and adults.

If you are looking to start therapy or continue your journey, I would be happy to chat.

The first step is talking. 

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